Monday, 17 November 2014

The beginning of research & planning

Recently, our group has begun researching and planning for our main task.

We've been brainstorming some ideas and made a mind map of ideas;
We decided to go for a psychological thriller based around a stalkers journey. We discussed possible locations, including the stairs to my attic to Hasland Hall. Roles were talked about and compromised over.
We watched several movie trailers to get some ideas for a thriller of a similar choice. For example, the thriller 'The Roommate' was watched and we decided to do the same scene where the stalker looks behind to the victim in the dark then turns away before the victim looks back.
So far, research and planning has gone good. We also looked at IMBD best thriller/horror films and then watched the trailers of some of these to gain inspiration.

Friday, 7 November 2014


To prepare ourselves for our main task, we had a practice in a editing process called 'After Effects'.  I found this extremely hard to navigate around the programme and will definitely need more time spent using the programme. I used video footage that I had found on the computer and tried to make something out of it.

This was what I came up with;

Barthes' 'Narrative Codes'

Barthes Narrative Codes
In our preliminary task we used 4 of Barthes Narrative codes without realising.

Action Code

An action code is used for the audience to indicate what is the next logical step. It advances the narratives story. In our preliminary task we used the action code when I was proceeding through the door. This shows the audience the next scene will be the character going somewhere, perhaps going to find the victim!

Mystery Code or Enigma code

This code is used to explain the narrative by controlling what and how much information is given to the audience. This was used when the antagonist kidnaps the victim, as the audience is given no clue to why this is happening. We also used the enigma code in our preliminary piece when the antagonist walks through the door after the protagonist ran away with the victim.

The Semic Code

This code wasn't used in our preliminary task. The semic code is all about signs and meanings in a text that tell us about its narrative characters. For a example of this, the anarchy sign represents danger or problems arriving soon.

The Cultural Code

This code is used so the narrative makes sense to a culturally and socially aware audience. It helps sets the setting. This is used in our preliminary piece it was set in a school so it is probably based in a western society, also all the cast are white so it will probably be based in England.

Code of Oppositions

This is the use of binary opposites. We used this in the preliminary task by what our characters outfits was wearing.